Lenox Cupcakes Featured on Cupcakes Take the Cake
OMG! I just checked the HUGELY popular cupcake blog – Cupcakes Take The Cake and saw that we were featured yesterday! Sorry for all the extra exclamations, caps and all, but I seriously LOVE that blog. I was just reading their blog and my heart nearly exploded when I saw our logo splashed across my screen. I had just emailed them to tell them about Lenox Cupcakes in the hopes that I would get added to their blog roll but what did they do? They did a WHOLE feature on Lenox Cupcakes!
I am too excited for words. That was super nice of them. They didn’t have to but I am glad they did. If you are new to the cupcake world, that blog is the queen of all cupcake blogs. They have a blog roll where they list cupcakeries around the country and even around the world. I go there for news about everything cupcake related. It really is an honor to have been featured and I just couldn’t wait to share the news.